Create Your Love Story


Like any journey in life, the best way to ensure you reach your destination is to have a map and a plan. Here are five ideas to help you create your road map to “happily ever after.”

1. Keep each other close

We all have limited amounts of emotional capital. It can be difficult to maintain intensely close relationships with more than a few people, so make sure one is your partner. If your busy lifestyle has you spending more time with friends and acquaintances than the one you call your partner, reconsider your priorities.

2. Find your own happiness

You can never make someone else feel happy, and that expectation can put a lot of pressure on a relationship. People in relationships need to find their own happiness without expecting their partners to make them happy.

3. Be forgiving

Sometimes even the most loving partners can say or do petty or thoughtless things. In an unhealthy relationship this could resort in a tit-for-tat race to the bottom of bad behavior. In this mode, small slights can quickly escalate out of control. If this happens often it can permanently damage a relationship so when your partner says or does something hurtful, try to forgive rather than retaliate. Take the high road.

4. Keep the big picture in mind

As a relationship moves forward, it’s all too easy to lose sight of the big picture, especially during emotional strain and conflict. We tend to become petty and focus on things that don’t matter in the big scheme of things. Keep a long-term perspective.

5. Lighten up

There will be plenty of opportunities in a relationship to discuss difficult issues, but sometimes you just have to lighten up. One of the best ways for couples to strengthen their connection is to laugh and have fun together. While there should always be space in a relationship to discuss the heavy stuff, make sure you find a balance. Make it a priority to have fun as well. Plan surprises. Be playful. And don’t forget to laugh.

love, laugh, together, relationships