How tech savvy are we?


According to a recent Pew Research Center study, more and more senioes are adopting technology into their lives. Seniors are using cellphones, tablets, computers, the internet, social media—all of it.

Here are couple interesting stats Pew uncovered:

• Some 42 percent of seniors own smartphones, a number that has quadrupled in the past few years. Age plays a part, with 59 percent of the 65-69 group owning smartphones. When it’s any type of cellphone (not just a smartphone), the number is significantly higher.

• An average 67 percent of seniors are on the internet, but again, use depends on age. The 65-69 group comes in at 82 percent. Those with a college education rated a whopping 92 percent. Three-quarters of seniors are on the internet daily; once they get used to it, they apparently like it, especially for news and games.

• Half of seniors have internet at home, and income plays a part in this. Those who earn more than $75,000 are significantly more likely to have internet access at home than those who have incomes below $30,000.

• One-third of seniors are on social media, and one-third of us own a tablet.

• In spite of the stats, not many seniors feel confident when it comes to using the new technology. Nearly half need someone to help set up the new devices they get. 

But that’s okay. As long as you get help to hook everything up and install software, it doesn’t matter where it comes from, be it the nearest 15-year-old or the company’s tech support staff. And if you get stuck, there’s always the internet to look to for help!

tech, tablet, seniors