Try These Tips When Traveling


Dr. Heather Loenser, a New Jersey-based veterinarian, knows first-hand the joys and challenges of traveling with her dog. She and her family recently adopted a border collie named Calvin.

"As a new dog in our house, Calvin is experiencing some separation anxiety, so we don't want to board him or leave him with a pet sitter," explains Dr. Loenser. "Even though he suffers from car sickness, when the family goes on vacation, Calvin comes with us."

Here are Dr. Loenser's top travel tips with dogs:

Consider Car Safety: When it comes to car trips, practice safety first. In some states, it is illegal for dogs to ride unrestrained in a vehicle. The Center for Pet Safety tests vehicle restraints for dogs; their recommendations can be found at

Be a considerate guest: Whether at a pet-friendly hotel or at the in-laws' house, not everyone will love your dog as much as you do. Make sure your dog is well-groomed and don't forget canine etiquette.

Avoid Dietary Changes: Stay as close to your dog's regular feeding schedule as possible and avoid giving extra treats or different types of foods that may upset their stomach.

car trips, dogs, travel